Ragging is totally banned in this institution and anyone found guilty of ragging or abetting it, is liable to be punished appropriately. In case you face any problem regarding Ragging, you may contact any one of the following members of Anti Ragging Committee & Anti Ragging Squad.

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1. Dr. Sajjan Singh, Principal Chairperson 9812072809
2. Dr. Anamol Gautam, Professor & Head Applied Science Convener 9417895910
3. Dr. Arvind Kumar, Associate Professor, ME Co-Convener 9416483343
4. Dr. Preetinder Kaur, Associate Professor, EE Member 9779265388
5. Dr. Jaya Bansal, Associate Professor, Applied Science Member 9610077053
6. Mr. Sandeep Ahuja, Admin Member 9115558739
7. Ms. Jasvir Kaur, Girls Hostel Warden Member 9875991980


Sr. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1. Dr. Sajjan Singh, Principal Chairperson 9812072809
2. Dr. Anamol Gautam, Professor & Head Applied Science Convener 9417895910
3. Mr. Mayank Khera, Asst Professor, Applied Science Member 7347477355
4. Ms. Aditi Sharma, Asst Professor, Applied Science Member 6280084860
5. Dr. Arvind Kumar, Associate Professor, ME Member 9416483343
6. Dr. Meenakshi Bansal, Assistant Professor, Applied Science Member 7986140122

Internal Complaint Committee

Following are the members of Internal Complaint Committee in the Chandigarh College Of Engineering, Jhanjeri

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1. Dr. Sajan Singh. Principal Chairperson 9812072309
2. Dr. Anamol Gautam, Professor & Head Applied Science Convener 9417893910
3. Dr. Arvind Kumar, Assoc1ate Professor, ME Member 9416483343
4. Dr. Preetinder Kaur. Associate Professor. EE Member 9779265388

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Following Committee members are hereby framed for Grievance Redressal Mechanism from all the concerned departments

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1. Dr. Sajjan Singh, Principal Chairperson 9812072809
2. Dr. Anamol Gautam, Professor & Head Applied Science Convener 8171058211
3. Dr. Arvind Kumar, Associate Professor, ME Member 9416483343
4. Dr. Preetinder Kaur, Associate Professor, EE Member 9779265388
5. Dr. Jaya Bansal, Associate Professor, Applied Science Member 9610077053
6. Dr. Meenakshi Bansal, Assistant Professor, Applied Science Member 7986140122